Thursday, March 29, 2012

тяжелое детство, железные игрушки. 7 лет.

а я не знал в 7 лет, что такое машина руба голберга.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

нативный браузер для андроида как платформа для апликаций

очень интересный подход к программированию для андроида:

вообще на их сайте интересные вещи есть:

  • работа с андроидным девайсом через jscript
  • интересные апликации для андроида
  • jscript  библиотеки для некоторых гугловский сервисов (графики, карты, геолокация, бар-код)
картинка, конечно, ужасная.

Friday, March 23, 2012

удаленное соединение: ноу-хау

Use the Net Use command to map or disconnect a drive
You can use the net use command for batch files and scripts. To use the net use command to map or disconnect a drive:
To map a network drive:
Click Start, and then click Run.
In the Open box, type cmd.
Type net use x: \\computer name\share name, where x: is the drive letter you want to assign to the shared resource.

To disconnect a mapped drive:
Click Start, and then click Run.
In the Open box, type cmd.
Type net use x: /delete, where x: is the drive letter of the shared resource.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

про стартапы и лошадок

Душевная статья: 
10 фактов о работе в стартапе в сравнении с работой в большой компании.
Ниже цитаты и чуток собственных мыслей по поводу и без.
...At a startup it’s unavoidable to have lots of responsibility and accountability. There’s no doubt, too, that being at a startup will put you in a position to make a huge impact. If you do amazing work the entire company and all of its customers will benefit from it. And you’ll be loved for it. On the flip side, if you make a big mistake, the whole company pays for it. But keep in mind that most startup cultures prefer agility and speed to cautiousness. It’s likely that your mistake won’t actually get you in trouble, as long as you were trying to do the right thing.
Ну, это понятно - в толпе легче спрятаться.
Одна мысль как бы не по теме. (далее КК = Контроль Качества, QA):
Стартап как вид бизнеса в ИТ - это всего навсего проверка концепции на жизнеспособность.
Стартапу КК не нужен. Более того - стартапу КК противопоказан.
Это потеря темпов и нецелевая трата заложенных в стартап и без того ограниченных средств.
С точки зрения бизнес-системы, вопрос качества в стартапе эффективнее решать другими способами. Например: no-bug development + continuous integration.

Friday, March 9, 2012

далеко. далеко?

конечно, кто-то должен подумать и о законодательстве...

Saturday, March 3, 2012


вопрос: Чем С отличается от С++?

один из ответов по Google:

The C programming language is a very general purpose programming language. It is used to solve problems ranging from operating system kernels, over compilers to graphical user interfaces. C was conceived in the early 1970s by Dennis M. Ritchie. The C programming language was first standardized in the mid 1980s.
The C++ programming language was initially created by Bjarne Stroustrup, as a "better C". C++ was an attempt to extend and (to some extent) change the C programming language to overcome some of the common and big problems with the language. C++ was first standardized in 1998, and as such, is a much younger language than C.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

пусть пока здесь полежит

Dozens Accused of $279 Million Medicaid Fraud

     MANHATTAN (CN) - A Russian crime group, including doctors and lawyers, ran the largest no-fault insurance scheme in history, pocketing nearly half of the $279 million they got from it, federal prosecutors said Wednesday.
Prosecutors unsealed an indictment against 36 defendants, which include 10 licensed doctors and three attorneys. The suspects face federal racketeering, conspiracy and other charges that could send them to prison for 30 to 70 years.
Some of the suspects opened bogus medical clinics as early as 2007, to cash in on New York State's no-fault insurance law, which allows anyone injured in a car accident to collect up to $50,000 for medical treatment, prosecutors said.
Most defendant clinics were run by "members and associates of a criminal organization consisting primarily of individuals of Russian descent," the U.S. Attorney's Office said.
Nicknames of the defendants include "KGB," for Yuriy Zayonts, and "Russian Mike," for Mikhail Zemlyansky.