Saturday, August 22, 2009

домащние заготовки для отк. часть II

Winning responses to "Why is QA always the bottleneck?"
Matt Heusser

It is time to tackle the common question: "Why is QA always the bottleneck?"

In a previous article, I introduced the concept of the unfair question when examining questions commonly thrown at quality assurance (QA) and testing pros. Generally, such questions are not questions at all. Take, for example, "Why are you lying to me?" That's more accusation than question. Attempting to answer it in any way is a defense; in fact, it is a confession. So, caution is absolutely necessary.

Read this first.

I've made some assumptions to keep these articles short, and I'd like to clarify them. First of all, they assume the question – Why is QA always the bottleneck? -- is asked in a dysfunctional way, which is a judgment decision. The answers I provide are designed to change the discussion, to "jiggle" things back into healthy shape.

Friday, August 21, 2009

домашние заготовки для отк

5 ways to answer executives' unfair software test, QA questions
Matt Heusser

Stick around in testing long enough, and you are bound to be asked some tough questions. Some of them will be reasonable and fair; some others might not be. In this tip, I'll help you identify and disarm dysfunctional test questions, starting with the classic: "Why didn't QA find that bug?"

About 20 years ago Tom DeMarco defined the unfair software question with his article, Why does software cost so much?. DeMarco claims it is not a question at all, but an assertion or a negotiating tactic. These questions also come up in software testing. Here are a few of my favorites:

"Why didn't QA find that bug?"
"Why is QA always the bottleneck?"
"Why do we have so many bugs?"
"What can we do to improve throughput from QA?"
"Are we done testing yet?"

Saturday, August 15, 2009


нашел вчера говорилку - text-to-speech, так и называется govorilka.
антон рязанов, умница.
поставил отцу на лаптоп.
немного, правда, пришлось повозиться со словарями чтобы добиться хорошего произношения. в конце концов оставил два словаря. голос чудный получился.
так отец до часа ночи своего любимого Конрада слушал, не выспался и невыспавшимся на рыбалку поехал.
сегодня поставлю алене - итальянский ей постараюсь настроить.
а завтра еще хочу попробовать себе на 64 систему.
у кого вопросы по настройке - не стесняйтесь.

плакаты жгуна

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