Thursday, June 23, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011


без названия

Friday, June 17, 2011

So You Want To Teach Your Kids To Program?

Alfred Thompson
1 Jun 2011 9:04 AM
For younger kids there is a sort of progression. I like Kodu for 7 to 10 year olds. There is some curriculum, not much really but you don’t need a lot, on the web site in the Classroom Kittab. Kodu is good for getting kids to think about programming or rather, conceptually, the idea that they can tell the computer what to do, have some success and learn as they play how to do planning, storyboarding, critical thinking, problem solving and even be artistic and creative. And its fun.
After that I see three tools that I like for different things: AliceScratch, and Small Basic. Alice is from Carnegie Mellon, Scratch from the MIT Medial Lab, and Small Basic from Microsoft.  There are whole books on Alice. Hit up and take a look. There is also which is all about instructional resources. For Scratch besides the main Scratch web site with its forums and project sharing there is ScratchEd with its resources. And there are other Scratch sites as well. The Scratch BYOB project (out of UC Berkley)  allows for some really powerful expansion of Scratch for older students – up through college.

начало конца

Windows 8: The Beginning of the End of Windows

I have a longstanding rule for evaluating new tech products: Don't judge anything by the demo.  I've seen far too many product previews that hid fundamental flaws in usability.  Until you can touch and play with the product on your own, seeing the little details of fit and performance that make it delightful or frustrating, you won't really know if it's worth your time.

So it's far too early to make any judgments on Windows 8, which Microsoft just previewed (link).  There are an incredible number of ways it could go wrong.

But.  I've got to say, this is the first time in years that I've been deeply intrigued by something Microsoft announced.  Not just because it looks cool (it does), but because I think it shows clever business strategy on Microsoft's part.  And I can't even remember the last time I used the phrase "clever business strategy" and Microsoft in the same sentence.

The announcement also has immense implications for the rest of the industry.  Whether or not Windows 8 is a financial success for Microsoft, we've now crossed a critical threshold. The old Windows of mice and icons is officially obsolete. That resets the playing field for everybody in computing.

как у меня не получалось, не получалось, а потом получилось программировать...

How I Failed, Failed, and Finally Succeeded at Learning How to Code

By James Somers
The programming website Project Euler provides a plan for how to learn anything in fun, discrete steps

Thursday, June 16, 2011

проверка пароля на надежность

Shown below is the regular expression for password strength with n number of digits, upper case, special characters and at least 12 characters in length.


(?=^.{12,25}$) -- password length range from 12 to 25, the numbers are adjustable 
(?=(?:.*?[!@#$%*()_+^&}{:;?.]){1}) -- at least 1 special characters (!@#$%*()_+^&}{:;?.}) , the number is adjustable 
(?=(?:.*?\d){2}) -- at least 2 digits, the number is adjustable 
(?=.*[a-z]) -- characters a-z 
(?=(?:.*?[A-Z]){2}) -- at least 2 upper case characters, the number is adjustable

насколько эффективны технические интервью

How Effective are Technical Interviews

Pulse, the startup I work at, is looking to hire a few more developers, and so I've recently been thinking a lot about the hiring process and my own experiences with interviews.

The worst interview I ever had was a phone screen for an internship, during which two interviewers spewed Java trivia one-liners at me on their speakerphone. At first I felt pretty bad because I wasn't that experienced in Java at that point, and felt that I had done pretty poorly in the interview. I later reasoned that I wouldn't want to intern at a company that didn't probe more deeply into how I tackled problems anyways. That is the extreme end of technical interviews, but I've always wondered how effective technical interviews are at selecting the right people for the job. My suspicion is that people who do well in interviews are generally fine, but that technical interviews may weed out candidates that don't interview well but would actually do a good job.

а чего ж вы хотели?

One in four US hackers 'is an FBI informer'

The FBI and US secret service have used the threat of prison to create an army of informers among online criminals
Ed Pilkington in New,
A hacker's silhouette

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


настройки в xml
можно вставить как веб-апликацию на iis

Saturday, June 11, 2011

small basic с флешки

TKP Tips: Making a SmallBasic runnable flash drive

We discovered a shortcut that makes teaching #TKP courseware with SmallBasic even easier.  You can put everything you need for each pair of students on a single flash drive – SmallBasic, SmallBasic Extensions, Courseware, etc… AND you can run SmallBasic itself directly from this drive.  So there’s no need to install anything on a the machine you are running on.  The machine just needs to have .NET Framework 3.5 w/SP1 or greater (Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7).  Here’s what you need to do to set it up:

Monday, June 6, 2011

проект эйлера: четыре задачи я уже решил...

About Project Euler

Leonhard Euler (1707-1783)

What is Project Euler?

Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve. Although mathematics will help you arrive at elegant and efficient methods, the use of a computer and programming skills will be required to solve most problems.

The motivation for starting Project Euler, and its continuation, is to provide a platform for the inquiring mind to delve into unfamiliar areas and learn new concepts in a fun and recreational context.